Words of Hope: Prayer

My Dad and I loved to pray together, and I learned so much about prayer from him. I have been on a journey to understand prayer myself and find I am more in love with prayer each year. When...

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Words of Hope: Next Steps

The news of Ukraine and Russia is everywhere, with images of war, suffering, and trauma. Just watching it is unsettling to a high degree. It can overwhelm. I start to search for survival gear, financial recommendations during recessions and...

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Words of Hope: Dust to Dust

I am surprised by my lethargy around the death of my Dad. It really has taken the wind out of me. I am a busy and active person, so this has surprised me- the weightiness and gravitas of death....

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Words of Hope: Mapping out Trauma Triggers

Trauma triggers happen when you have had something difficult happen in your life--for example, a car wreck. For many who have experienced a very serious car wreck, just being behind the wheel can cause the terror of that experience...

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Words of Hope: Marriage Experts

My parents were married for 58 years, and they deeply admired and loved each other. They worked hard to root out bitterness, detachment, infidelity, and dislike. Shann and I talked about their marriage and why they had such a...

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Words of Hope: Tears of Christ

Watching the war in Ukraine has been devasting. The cruelty of Putin, the shocking images of destruction, the terror that feels palpable around the globe. The tears of children especially strike me as I watch posts of families saying...

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Words of Hope: Kintsugi

One of the reasons to travel to Mumbai was the opportunity to work with amazing artists to bring Kintsugi experience to social service workers, pastors, and counselors. They work with the broken women and children in the brothels and...

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Words of Hope: Small Whisper

This was my first birthday without my Dad with me in person. Birthdays always involved dinner together with a beautiful mealtime conversation. Dad would share a favorite memory together from the year and then give me some words of...

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Words of Hope: Bitterness to Healing

We often drove to Edmonton, Alberta, from Spokane when Shann and I were newly married. This long road trip afforded us hours of meaningful conversation. We began talking about death during a particularly boring stretch of highway, specifically of...

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Words of Hope: Tears

In our early years of marriage, Shann rarely felt anger, never cried, never had much emotion at all. He lived with a consistently cheerful attitude. He never appeared bothered. However, he didn’t have access to his full range of...

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