Words of Hope: Relationship Over Rules

Dad disliked rules over relationships. In our home, he cared more that there was love in our hearts for God than if we went to church or read the Bible. If I read the Bible because I was forced...

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Words of Hope: Perfectly Teachable

After watching thousands of athletes at NBC Camps, Dad said the two most dangerous emotions which hurt any athlete are arrogance and fear. Those emotions are the opposite of humility. Insolent athletes think they know it all; timid athletes...

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Words of Hope: The Power of Hope

My Dad’s hope inspires me. Dad studied, researched, prayed for, and meditated on the word hope. He knew it was a crucial foundation for life in God. Hope is confidence in the unseen. It believes something will be realized...

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Words of Hope: Bedtime stories

Dad was a magnificent storyteller. He could mesmerize audiences at camp with stories of Challenger, our big black lab, or make everyone howl with laughter by a funny face or a silly expression. Dad loved stories. He told me...

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Words of Hope: The God of All Comfort

My Dad believed fully in Christ and in His resurrection power. He did not fear death but trusted implicitly in the message that the dead in Christ shall be raised. He loved to talk about the resurrection because it...

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Words of Hope: Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood

My Dad loved the movie about Mr. Rogers, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. He watched it many times. During the NBC Alaska Airlines Invitational Tournament, he rented a local theatre, and all the teams watched the movie with...

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Words of Hope: The Human Soul

The day after Thanksgiving was difficult. I found myself feeling quite sad about Dad. I went thrifting with the girls, and the vintage store we went into had an old-fashioned nativity scene we had as a kid with grass...

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Words of Hope: Psalm 23

Dad and I often talked about life balance. Dad was a juggernaut of energy when he was younger. He was a make it happen person. But as he developed cancer, his ability to power through became harder. One of...

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Words of Hope: Love is Patient

My Dad had an abusive father, and so did my Mom. My Mom was born in November of 1941. A few weeks after she was born, Pearl Harbor was attacked. Her father left to fight in Papa New Guinea...

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Words of Hope: Worthy of Imitation

My good friend was in town on a recruiting trip, and he stayed with Shann and me. He loved Dad and considered Dad in many ways a second father. He lost his mom, and we discussed how the grief...

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