Words of Hope: You said. I Believe.

CeCe Winans song Believe For It heals me. She has a bridge where she sings, “You said. I believe. You said it is done.” I love considering this. The great faith that amazed Jesus. I think it would be hard to...

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Words of Hope: Light in the darkness

We watched an evocative movie the other day. It was a modern parallel of the road to Calvary. One of the characters is an atheist doctor convinced that human suffering is the decisive reason why there is no God....

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Words of Hope: People of The Lie

Ravi Zacharias, one of the greatest theologians and apologists in modern memory, had an incredible ministry by all outward appearances. Dad and I LOVED Ravi. We listened to his talks and marveled at his oratory power. His brilliance in...

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Words of Hope: Only Seven Seconds

Shann and Bella had a late-night this week, and I was alone in the house for the first time in a while. I sat on the couch watching the sunset. Then, I had an overwhelming longing to see Dad....

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Words of Hope: Atypical marriage

One quality I admire about my Dad is that he did not speak poorly or negatively about my Mom. He worked hard to root out criticism. He believed that criticism is poison to relationships. He thought criticism is often...

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Words of Hope: Ferch Church

When I was growing up, Dad made time with God something sacred, intentional, and interesting. He hated the idea of church or discussion about God being boring. He lamented when students attending Christian schools or colleges said that their...

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Words of Hope: True testimony

I celebrated Easter at my Mom and Dad's church. It was my Mom's first Easter without Dad. I thought about Dad being in church just one year ago, possibly sitting where I was sitting next to my Mom. The...

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Words of Hope: Unseen prayers

Mom and I met to discuss Dad’s celebration of life with a beautiful person helping coordinate the day. While there, we bumped into a long-time friend who has been on a brutal journey navigating cancer. She is always kindhearted...

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Words of Hope: Contentment Mindset

When I think about the many things Dad taught me, contentment is one of the most crucial. Contentment is the state of living where we are peaceful and, for the moment, happy. We live thinking well of ourselves and...

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Words of Hope: A Better Person

The slogan for NBC Camps is better players, better people. Dad and I talked about relentlessly pursuing excellence in life without leading to perfectionism and burnout. My dad struggled with burnout and depression and learned the hard way that...

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