"Above me lay the day blind stars waiting for their light.” - Wendell Berry Twinkle twinkle little star is a delightful childhood rhyme. Sun, moon and stars all fascinate me. Once stars were a sailors GPS. Last night the NBA gave the...

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"God's best gift to man" Careful study of Genesis 1 & 2 brings us to an obvious conclusion that God's ultimate, most lovely gift to man is a woman. Think about it! When man saw woman he said, "At last!" When...

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Emotions are unreliable; change suddenly; are easily influenced by circumstances, and words; they work better when you lead them with strong and decisive leadership, with fact, and logic.   Emotions can't think, they can't make decisions. Emotions are great followers, but...

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Ketchikan, Alaska When was the last time you took a prayer walk? It has been awhile for me. Ketchikan is a delightful place nestled in southeastern Alaska. I'm told it rains 212 inches per year. That's only about 17.6 feet...

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"Come to me as a little child.” - Jesus My days are filled with wonder and joy, because I'm living in the world of kids. Kids who want to become men and women.    Kids who want to become college basketball...

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Crowell Basketball Coaching System

BASKETBALL COACHES AND COLLEGE STUDENTS -GREAT NEWS! Eastern Oregon University is offering B.S. and M.Ed. college credit for the CROWELL BASKETBALL COACHING SYSTEM.  Imagine earning up to 3 masters level credits for only $210 per credit hour!   Summer class: June 20 -...

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USA's Best Buy, Russia’s Worst Sale. For 67 million dollars, the United States bought all of Alaska. As I travel the magnificent state, I marvel how we were able to buy it from Russia. When I look at the world...

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"One of luckiest men I know is me." This morning as I looked out at the Pacific Ocean from the 17th floor, I felt like the luckiest man on the planet. My Bible lay opened to Psalm 20. In November...

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FUNERAL – Victory or defeat?

"Death where is thy victory, where is thy Sting?" - Paul Saturday was a funeral day for the Crowells. Hundreds came to celebrate the life of Dr. Felix Martinez, one of the three kindest men in my life. Seems to...

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If you don't look, you can't see. If you don't see, you miss glorious mountains, swift rivers, flowers that take your breathe away and, best of all, delightful people.   This past weekend I visited the Crowell families. Anacortes is...

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