Words of Hope: MLK

A woman named Luska is one of NBC’s bright stars. She is brilliant and has an incredibly powerful mind. Since we first met more than 30 years ago, we have called each other sisters and worked hard to give...

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Words of Hope: Honest Love

In an earlier Words of Hope, I shared a message Dad asked me to consider in the year of 2018. We had a relationship where we could ask things of each other. He could say to me, “Jennifer, I...

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Words of Hope: Daily Forgiveness

I met with some very lovely friends who want to create a language of forgiveness. I love this idea because forgiveness is such a misunderstood topic. My husband Shann became a researcher of forgiveness, thanks to my family. Dad...

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Words of Hope: Family of God

I drove by a snowy park bench near the Spokane River yesterday. The last time I drove by this bench, Dad, Shann, Bella, and I sat there praying together on a summer evening. After we prayed, we watched a...

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Words of Hope: Delight

Dad traveled many days when I was young. He went all around the PNW recruiting for NBC Camps. His journey brought him to the Cheyenne Reservation, where he met my husband, Shann. I asked Shann what aspect of my...

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Words of Hope: Struggle

I looked back on my recent WOH and several begin with the words: Dad struggled. I find it important to consider unconscious repetition.  The word struggle means to trample or to wrestle. I wondered why it was important for me to consider...

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Words of Hope: Surprise Journey

Dad loved surprises. We liked to take him and mom on a secret trip each year. It would be a 3-4 day trip within driving distance of our house. Dad LOVED the secret trip. He got so excited to...

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Words of Hope: Stone or Life

Grief is tough. My Dad tried to overcome his grief for the few years after his mom’s death, but many situations triggered his pain and anger. Any mention of God would cause Dad to react; he would leave the...

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Words of Hope: True Peace

Dad sat down with me in the New Year of 2018. He asked me to consider a few tasks for my life. I will be sharing these in the New Year as a form of inner resolution. We talked...

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Words of Hope: Clean Heart

Dad’s nickname around the house was Norman Neat or sometimes Matt Ticulous. He loved it clean, but he also loved having people over, which caused some tension for him. I like it neat as well. My house was full...

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