NBC Camps Maui, 2011

NBC Camps Maui, 2011 Attended my first NBC Camp with my daughter that I love. I thought the camp was for her. I was wrong. God was speaking to my heart as I sat in the gym observing camp all week. I...

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Thank You

I must repeat back to you, you're very words. Your commitment to write daily words of hope has been valuable to my mind and heart. I consider knowing you and learning from your gift of wisdom being one of...

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Than You Fred

Thank you, Fred. What an amazing compliment from you and Susie. I feel like it has taken a long time to learn not to feel like I have to force knowledge and strength. I never want to be Napoleon....

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Tonight’s big win at OCU. 

Had an amazing motivation message prior to the game from my close friend Coach Fred Crowell. Fred has a unique gift of helping young men see their destiny! He then had to go watch his granddaughter perform in a...

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Former NBC’er

I hope this email finds you well.  It has been on my heart for the past month to email you.  I had a great lunch with Ken Sugarman the other day and we talked about all the little things...

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So vividly the memory of a bad brag rests in my memory bank.  It was my 9th-grade year; basketball was the brag. On the ride home Dad, teammate, and his father listened to my bad brag about my great...

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Perfection is a noble concept yet it is a fallacious possibility.  Coaches often talk about perfect practice. Really!? What is so admirable about perfection? Under close examination, the pursuit of perfection actually becomes a deterrent to exceptional performance. Leaders who demand...

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The academy award winning, best picture you have seen in your lifetime, is you.  You are the screenwriter, the producer, director, lead actor, and in charge of promotion and sales. The movie is called, This is Your Life!  The really...

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Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, and habits become your destiny. I remember so clearly an experience in the early years of marriage. After enjoying a fabulous dinner Susie prepared, I was lying on the couch. Susie asked...

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Dirk Left Off Top Nba Jersey Sales List

Dirk Left Off Top Nba Jersey Sales ListThe short list: Jordan, Johnson, Walton, Abdul-Jabbar and Russell. When people purchase basketball jerseys (particularly retro jerseys), they treat them properly. We're not getting into our sets really quick.resistant jerseys, authentic jersey...

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