Words of Hope: Poetry

I wouldn’t say Dad loved poetry when he was younger, but he definitely grew to love poetry. We both found poetry more and more beautiful after knowing my husband, Shann. Shann did an MFA in poetry, and now our...

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Words of Hope: Love must be Sincere

Dad believed fully what Mother Teresa said, “Christ’s love is always stronger than evil in the world… this kind of love begins at home. We cannot give to the outside what we do not have on the inside.” One...

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Words of Hope: The Incarnation

Shann, my husband, had a book interview last week. His interviewer had respect for Shann's faith but also incredulity. How could Shann, a learned scholar, researcher of genocide, atomic theory, clinical and neuropsychology, consider the incarnation possible? The interviewer...

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Words of Hope: IS

I have been wrestling with language around my Dad’s death. I don’t like to say I lost my Dad because I didn’t lose him. I have full confidence I know where he is. I don’t like to say; my...

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Words of Hope: A Beautiful Mind

I opened my journal from 2017, where I had listed concerns I had during that time. They seem so trivial in light of my current point of view. Dad told he experienced this in his life; how past woes...

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Words of Hope: Relationship Over Rules

Dad disliked rules over relationships. In our home, he cared more that there was love in our hearts for God than if we went to church or read the Bible. If I read the Bible because I was forced...

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Words of Hope: Perfectly Teachable

After watching thousands of athletes at NBC Camps, Dad said the two most dangerous emotions which hurt any athlete are arrogance and fear. Those emotions are the opposite of humility. Insolent athletes think they know it all; timid athletes...

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Words of Hope: The Power of Hope

My Dad’s hope inspires me. Dad studied, researched, prayed for, and meditated on the word hope. He knew it was a crucial foundation for life in God. Hope is confidence in the unseen. It believes something will be realized...

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Words of Hope: Bedtime stories

Dad was a magnificent storyteller. He could mesmerize audiences at camp with stories of Challenger, our big black lab, or make everyone howl with laughter by a funny face or a silly expression. Dad loved stories. He told me...

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Words of Hope: The God of All Comfort

My Dad believed fully in Christ and in His resurrection power. He did not fear death but trusted implicitly in the message that the dead in Christ shall be raised. He loved to talk about the resurrection because it...

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