Words of Hope: Mumbai

Mumbai is a city of 28 million people. There were slums and poverty everywhere we went. People live in tin slabs with tar paper roofs and tarps on the hardened mud floors. Chickens cower in metal crates prepared for...

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Words of Hope: Freedom

Our family traveled to India last week to work with those in severe poverty. I wore my Dad’s t-shirt – Relentless Pursuit of Excellence (one of his favorite phrases), a shirt my brother created in his honor. I knew...

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Words of Hope: Celebration of Life

My Dad started talking about dying in the last few years. Honestly, it bugged me. I didn’t want to talk about his funeral; I didn’t want to have any of his possessions; I didn’t want to imagine my life...

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Words of Hope: Caesura Pause

I have been thinking about skills and gifts my Dad had that I aspire to have in my life. One skill he had was the caesura pause. A caesura pause is a rhythmic pause in poetry for breath, emphasis,...

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Words of Hope: Absurd or Obedient

Shann wrote the lyrics for an opera. I love to think about this. He is a poet, a researcher, a novelist, and a librettist (opera writer). He partnered with Father Waters from Gonzaga, and hopefully, we will see their...

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Words of Hope: Magnificat

Dad and I loved to talk about Mary, the mother of Jesus. When we were in the Philippines, Dad was adored everywhere he went. He and Shann were on local television. Dad was like a rock star. I can’t...

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Words of Hope: Awakening from The External Illusion

Here is an insight into conversations I would have with Dad. One of our favorite topics was how to live outside the external illusion. Every healthy child exudes a natural joy: the celebration of bubbles or the delight in wrapping...

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Words of Hope: Caesura Pause

I have been thinking about my Dad's skills and gifts that I aspire to have in my life. One skill he had was the caesura pause. A caesura pause is a rhythmic pause in poetry for breath, emphasis, and...

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Words of Hope: Communion

Our family has been visiting different churches as our church of many years disbanded before Covid. We have been watching the church Natalya goes to in New York online, as well as Ariana's church in Oklahoma. We have visited...

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Words of Hope: Spotlight

We spotlight every meal, and it can be challenging to find new and meaningful ways to spotlight others. To keep it creative, sometimes, we look for objects in the house or restaurant reminding you of what you appreciate about...

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