Words of Hope: Ferch Church

When I was growing up, Dad made time with God something sacred, intentional, and interesting. He hated the idea of church or discussion about God being boring. He lamented when students attending Christian schools or colleges said that their...

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Words of Hope: True testimony

I celebrated Easter at my Mom and Dad's church. It was my Mom's first Easter without Dad. I thought about Dad being in church just one year ago, possibly sitting where I was sitting next to my Mom. The...

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Words of Hope: Unseen prayers

Mom and I met to discuss Dad’s celebration of life with a beautiful person helping coordinate the day. While there, we bumped into a long-time friend who has been on a brutal journey navigating cancer. She is always kindhearted...

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Words of Hope: Contentment Mindset

When I think about the many things Dad taught me, contentment is one of the most crucial. Contentment is the state of living where we are peaceful and, for the moment, happy. We live thinking well of ourselves and...

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Words of Hope: A Better Person

The slogan for NBC Camps is better players, better people. Dad and I talked about relentlessly pursuing excellence in life without leading to perfectionism and burnout. My dad struggled with burnout and depression and learned the hard way that...

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Words of Hope: Father Kolbe

Dad and I loved to read stories of inspiring people. One day, I felt sorry for myself and justified my frustration and irritation with life. That evening, after everyone was tucked in bed, I pulled out a book. I...

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Words of Hope: Heaven

I can’t fully express my gratitude for having such a fantastic Dad. He was incredible with people, and he always had time for me—how did he do this? I never felt jealous of all the people in his life;...

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Words of Hope: Thy Will Be Done

Dad loved Easter and Good Friday. Dad loved the stations of the cross and would meditate at each spot. He especially loved the stations of the cross at the Grotto in Portland. The cross transfixed Dad—Christ's herculean effort to...

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Words of Hope: He’s Alive

One of the first concerts I attended was in Birmingham, Alabama. It was Don Francisco live. My mom and Dad took me to the show. We loved his music, and my all-time favorite song was He's Alive. I sang...

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Words of Hope: Unafraid

My Mom and I went to tea the other day and talked about Dad. This journey of grief is new for me. I want to support my Mom but find my sorrow overwhelming me in the process. I told...

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