Words of Hope: Essential Art

Last year we were in NYC to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of 9/11. We were with some friends who are artists. For me, art is truly the only way I can process tragedies. The gratuitous nature of the news...

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Words of Hope: The Miraculous Soul

Probably the phrase most people associate with my Dad is, "You are a miracle." I remember when he started to change his perspective from seeing big crowds of people with irritation to wonder and gratitude. He would look with...

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Words of Hope: God’s Mighty Ones

My husband Shann is studying angelology for a writing project. What an incredible word, angelology—the study of angels. I read that 90 percent of people believed in angels in 2011. I know hospitals and paramedics give homage to guardian...

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Words of Hope: Dogging Dogmatism Part 2

Yesterday, I wrote about my Dad’s response to people aggressively purporting their beliefs. Dad’s navigation of dogmatism greatly influenced me. A few years ago, a man in the Portland airport entered our gate and began waving his arms and...

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Words of Hope: Dogging Dogmatism Part 1

Dad had an expansive faith. He rooted his faith in both firm convictions and deepest wonder and awe. One of his good friends has strong opinions about faith, so absolute and dogmatic. Dogmatic means you lay down principles as...

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Words of Hope: Labor Day

My Dad loved hard work. He had a paper route at the age of nine. I visited Dad's hometown this summer to watch one of our amazing directors. I remember Dad talking about pedaling up the hills around Anacortes...

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Words of Hope: The Power of Liking

Shann and I subscribe to the Gottman Marriage minute. It’s a perfect, short reminder with simple steps to improve relationships. A recent message asked, “Do you like each other?” I immediately thought of my Dad as I read this...

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Words of Hope: Intensity Considered

Many of you who read Words of Hope know my Dad. Maybe some of you have never met him. After his passing, one person who contacted me kept talking about how intense he was at camp, how much my...

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Words of Hope: Provoked

When Dad was younger, he could easily provoke people into frustration. He loved to induce people to anger, especially on the basketball court. He intentionally wanted to press his opponent to be rattled by him or his team. He...

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Words of Hope: Bitterness Considered

I was rereading Dad’s Words of Hope on anxiety he wrote on April 21, 2021. He discusses lessons learned from nurse Laurie who served with Hospice for many years. Dad asked Laurie about the differences between those who die...

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