Words of Hope: Which Side?  

The word challenge originally meant to accuse. Have you ever been accused?     I think about Christ standing on trial. Witnesses attempted to bring accusations against Him, but they kept contradicting their testimony.  Recently, I read in Revelation that Satan the accuser...

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A man has joy by the answer of his mouth - Proverbs 15:23 This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead...

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Words of Hope: Reaching for Comfort 

My husband Shann and I watched a touching movie about addiction called, “The Year of the Dog.” It speaks to how addictions enter our lives through our wounds and traumas often as a tool to cope with pain. Dad...

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"The ability to appreciate is a learned behavior. Mastery of this skill of seeing the full worth  in people, in creation and all life is the difference between being a positive or a negative human being." Fred Crowell January 22,...

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Words of Hope: Take the Lead 

My dad understood the importance of initiative. In Latin, initiative means to take the lead. We talked about initiative often. For example, Dad believed car use without car care and maintenance was a recipe for disappointment and frustration. He...

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Words of Hope: A Pattern of Great Parenting 

Dad and I often discussed healthy relationships, especially between a father and sons or daughters. I don’t think many parents talk this way with their children. He and I agreed when we mentioned something that irritated, frustrated, or hurt the...

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"As medicine is to the body, gratitude is to the soul." For the past six months, Words of Hope with Fred Crowell has been a source of joy and thanksgiving to me. Knowing God and enjoying him forever is my...

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Words of Hope: The Miracle of Hope 

I have been praying about a few life situations for a long time. It’s easy to begin to feel discouraged because there remains no answer. I think of my mom praying years for her dad to become a Christian. She...

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Words of Hope: How to Live in a Broken World  

It is a serious thing Just to be alive On this fresh morning In the broken world This poem by Mary Oliver brings me back to my center. What is required of me? Gratitude and praise for the world around me. Thanksgiving to...

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When life gets so hard, we seem to be in a place we cannot describe. In fact, we do want other people, but it seems to be ONLY YOU. Please let me explain. When cancer is so difficult that the doctor does...

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