Words of Hope: Words of Hope

I love thinking about the phrase, “Words of Hope.” I meditate on each piece of the phrase.  

WORD – Some of my dad’s favorite scripture verses he and I memorized include this. 

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” 
“Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” 
“The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.” 
“May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be pleasing in your sight.”  

Word as scripture, Word as Christ, words in the world, in my mouth and in my heart. If all my inner words were exposed in a jar for all to see, would Christ be glorified? 

“Of” is a small word. It’s funny because my last name Ferch means “of” in old Welch, actually “daughter of.” I think about the word “of” as connection, belonging, and relationship.  

Hope is also such a glorious word. It’s assurance for what is not yet seen. It isn’t wishing, but confident belief. Often my “hopes” are not confident but wishful thinking and aspirations. Hope is much more powerful, sturdy, a total faith that what is not reality will be reality.  

I love the phrase, “Words of Hope.” I can give words of hope to my beloved friend grieving her son that she WILL see him again. I can give words of hope to my friend struggling with addiction. God can forgive and does forgive; He washes whiter than snow. I remind myself I will see my father again, and this is the blessed hope. 

Part of my meditation is parsing out what is hopeful and what is wishful. Am I viewing God like a Genie and frustrated when He doesn’t grant my wish? I know Dad had to come to terms with this. In the beginning he prayed fervently to be delivered from cancer. It was his total dedication. He begged and pleaded with God to be made well. But as Dad ran his race, he began to change. Instead of wishing to be well, he shifted his hope, that regardless of external circumstances, God could use it for good. Dad came to find that cancer was part of the beautiful story of his life. The word cancer no longer spelled fear. Hope means that even that cruel word could be redeemed. 

“For I know the plans for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11