Words of Hope: Which Side?  

The word challenge originally meant to accuse. Have you ever been accused?    

I think about Christ standing on trial. Witnesses attempted to bring accusations against Him, but they kept contradicting their testimony. 

Recently, I read in Revelation that Satan the accuser stands before God day and night accusing the saints. I imagine what Satan might be saying; his tongue challenging everything in the lives of people who believe. 

I know how easy it is to stand with Satan to accuse others. 

The other day someone I know did something mean. She said things that were cruel about a kind person. 

It was easy to want to accuse her in my mind. I wanted to retell her meanness to everyone. But I also know this woman has built a remarkable charity that brings healing to hundreds of women and children. I was struck thinking how much good this person does for the world. Thousands depend on her generosity and compassion. 

Should I stand against her and accuse her before God, or will I stand with Jesus, interceding and asking God’s mercy on her life? The choice is that simple. 

When I want to launch into blame, accusation, or scorn of someone else, I picture the choice like a courtroom. Should I point my figure alongside the accuser, or should I pray and intercede for the person with Christ and all the saints?

I want to be on the side of mercy. 

What will you choose?

“Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say, “Now the salvation and power and kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ have come. The accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them day and night before our God, has been thrown down.” – Revelation 12:10