Words of Hope: RPE4FJC

My brother Jay created RPE (one of my dad’s favorite slogans, which stands for Relentless Pursuit of Excellence) and FJC—my dad’s initials Fredric James Crowell. RPE4FJC means that I commit to living intentionally in a spirit of excellence each day in honor of Dad.

Jay put this slogan on the back of shirts he ordered, and it’s a fun reminder to bring Dad’s lessons into daily life. What I appreciated about Dad was his will to live in the crucible of life. The crucible requires us to listen, to discern, to wrestle, and to struggle. RPE is a crucible teaching term. RPE without wisdom could be a mantra for perfectionism, basing our lives on our external achievements or successes. RPE, according to Dad, was something more profound, rooted in the foundation that I am a child of God, and in my weakness, He is strong. RPE reminds me to keep my mind on what is excellent—the Philippians 4 test. RPE (Relentless Pursuit of Excellence) reminds me to love each person as fully as I can.

What I loved about Dad is that he was who he said he was. I think about so many “church” leaders who speak one way and live differently. Dad lived his messages—he asked forgiveness, prayed intensely, sought to create meaningful relationships, worked hard at his marriage, and loved me, Jay, and Mom with all his heart. RPE4FJC means also living a life from the inside/out – that what people see on the outside is what God sees on the inside. RPE4FJC is a daily slogan to remind us to take each moment as a gift from God to live well, loving and serving others.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” – Colossians 3:17