Words of Hope: Ask  

I have been at my parents’ place, praying where my dad prayed.  

I imagine him here and picture him praying. Henri Nouwen, one of my favorite authors, said he recommends praying in spaces where beloved people have prayed. 

Praying in the spot I know my dad has prayed has brought me such joy.  

The other night, my husband Shann and I had been wrestling with a confusing set of issues. We lamented Dad was not available to recommend what to do. We both felt at a loss at which path to take, which is rare.  

I prayed for an answer before I fell asleep. In the night I began to dream. I knew I was dreaming. In my dream I prayed again, and I dreamed God said I would be allowed to hear from Dad. I asked Dad what to do and immediately he told me — clear, truthful, and just the right answer. 

I woke up and told Shann I had a dream that I spoke with Dad, and that he told me what to do. I told him what Dad said and it was an immediate revelation for him as well.  

We both have been awestruck by this experience.  

What a feeling of such joy that God is speaking and answering. I love the verses that explain how God gives wisdom to all who ask and gives generously. I love the prompt to seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added.   

I believe our view of God reveals our view of life. Having a wise and loving earthly father who would come through when I asked gives me confidence that God will provide. 

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. – Matthew 7:7-8