Moses said, ”Teach us to number our days.”

St. James said, “Your life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow.”

The Psalmist said, “Life is as short-lived as grass. It blossoms like a flower in the field.”

34 years ago Jay Crowell was riding on my shoulders around Australia on a basketball trip. Those days with my two amazing children were the golden days of my life.

Those 34 years evaporated like a mist hanging above the Spokane River on a cold morning.

For 14 years Kiki our beloved Pom, Mother of five, was the best dog I have ever had the privilege of calling our own.

Fourteen precious years with Kiki ended so quickly. It seems to us Kiki would live for a few more years; within a two day period her tiny 5-pound body shut down.

Cocoa Channel, CC, is today’s precious joy giver. Life experience tells us to treat each new day as a gift.

Time is a mist
Time is like gold
Time cannot be recovered
Time evaporates
Time is energy
Time is money

Early in life, most people have more time than money.

Ideally late in life, we should have more money than time.

Basketball is like life in miniature. To win in basketball you must know both the time and the score. Late in a close game time is more important than the score.

To win in life, time and score are equally important.

When we live right here right now, we maximize the gift of time. Each day without exception without any favoritism we all get 24 hours no more no less.

Days are long, life is short!
Life is here gone in a second.
A second can determine your destiny.
A Gonzaga U student took 1 second to pull a trigger.
Life evaporated like steam from a teapot.