The giant enemy of the human spirit is self-pity!

Years ago, one dark emotional day at an NBC Camps clinic for the Tulalip Indian Reservation in Washington, the self-pity engine engaged my mind.

The Tulalip management was so kind to give the NBC coaches beautiful rooms and meals in its grand hotel. The restaurant was at the opposite end of the hotel rooms. As I took the long breakfast walk, I saw many chain smokers, many overweight men with plates of caloric-filled food. 

Seeing this, I was moved to self-pity. “Lord, why should I be the one to have cancer?” There was no audible reply. However, in my inner voice I heard myself saying: “Cancer is the hand dealt to you. Play your cards as well as you can. Get rid of self-pity; it is a waste of time.”

Over time, it has become crystal clear to me that Jesus has my cancer with Him, as well as your pain. My cancer does not compare to the suffering and pain He went through going to and on the cross. His love forced His eternal involvement and cost Him infinite grief — Jesus was the perfect man, yet a “man of sorrows.” He did it gladly for the joy set before Him. (Hebrews 12:2)

Realizing this, with gladness, with joy, with peace, with faith, with exceeding love, I can tell you GOD IS GOOD… ALWAYS. I also believe anyone who trusts in Jesus will never be disappointed. Romans 9:33 says it this way: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a Stone (Jesus) that will make men stumble, a Rock that will make them fall, but he who believes in Him (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Jesus) shall not be put to shame nor be disappointed.”