Words of Hope: Predicting the Future

I like to guess what will happen in the future. I would like to be a prophet. I hate to be caught unprepared. The problem is my prophesy track record is terrible and by Old Testament standards worthy of...

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Words of Hope: Forgiveness Work

I have been mediating on a sentence I wrote last week. “Dad did the work of forgiving his father.” Work is a true description of the forgiveness process. It is the purposeful effort necessary to achieve a specific...

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Words of Hope: The Power of Story

My friend reached out to tell me about a new form of Christian counseling that involves writing out a traumatic story and walking through that story with a trained facilitator in a small group setting. The process is...

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Words of Hope: The Sound of Freedom

One of the most misunderstood, difficult concepts on the planet is forgiveness. You can watch a YouTube video of a celebrity recommending not to forgive or forget, and another saying to forgive the unthinkable and recommending forgiveness as the...

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Words of Hope: Pageantry or Practice?

One of my dad’s favorite mentors was a man named Paul Nakai. Paul did so much to elevate our understanding of relational health. He taught us to recognize the often obscured signs of bitterness, blame, or lack of self-responsibility...

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Words of Hope: The Radiant Exchange

One of the questions we have been meditating on in the office is, “What do you believe God wants to help you remove or release in your life that would allow you to more freely experience His abiding ...

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Words of Hope: Handling Enemies

I read a wild verse that I hadn’t noticed before. It says, “Do not rejoice and gloat when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles, Or the LORD will...

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Words of Hope: Loveless Fathers

I spoke with Mom about the miracle of my dad’s transformation from aggressive agnostic to total faith. How do these things happen? After his mom died, Dad hated God and everyone who claimed faith. Then he had a life...

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Words of Hope: Death is Strange

My mom’s good friend died last week. She was in her early seventies and the epitome of health. Last March, she and mom vacationed together. They lifted weights, walked every day, ate healthy, and enjoyed each other. In...

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Words of Hope: How’s Your PMA?!

This summer we focused on the topic of enthusiasm. It was one of Dad’s favorite words. He loved to ask the camp, “How’s your PMA?” and all of us would jump up and yell “Boy, am I enthusiastic!”  It’s...

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