Words of Hope: Every Thought Captive

Dad valued quality thinking. For most of us, we assume whatever we think about is reality. A thought enters our head, and we unequivocally believe it. Dad told me to imagine thoughts like people trying to get into an...

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Words of Hope: Little Things

One of Dad's favorite sayings was, "Yard by yard, life is hard, but inch by inch, life's a cinch." Dad would often counsel me on a project that felt overwhelming to take one step at a time. Make one...

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Words of Hope — Be Anxious for Nothing

I opened up Dad’s journal from 1987 recently. The year I survived a severe car accident on my way to school. The entry date was May, but I could tell Dad was still navigating the fear of that terrible...

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Words of Hope — Heaven Minded

Dad met with his doctor for the last time in July. A cancer doctor is such a massive part of a cancer patient’s life. My dad had several cancer doctors, a number who have prayed and cried with him...

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Words of Hope — Not by Might

When I was a young girl in Birmingham, Alabama, mustard became available for purchase in a new plastic bottle. Before this new packaging, we had glass jars for mustard which we would access with a knife or spoon. This...

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Words of Hope — Wait for the Lord

Dad was not the best at waiting when he was younger. He disliked waiting in line or at the doctor's office. With cancer, you spend many hours of your life in waiting rooms. Dad learned to love to wait....

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Words of Hope — You can trust God

I trusted my Dad. He created a very safe space for me to share with him my life and my struggles. He listened well and encouraged me without judgment or shame. I called him often for advice or help....

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Words of Hope — Find Ways to Laugh

Laughing seems difficult for me right now. I almost didn't write this though I felt my Dad intentionally gave me this word. Dad loved rocks with words inscribed on them. He put these rocks everywhere as reminders of how...

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Words of Hope — Right Here Right Now

Dad loved to do crazy things, like two-footed hops down the middle of main street Disneyland or teach strangers how to laugh or practice his Qi Gong breathing technique in a crowded elevator. He learned the principle of being...

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Words of Hope — Live in Forgiveness

The keyword I wanted to focus on for today is, forgive. I know that as Dad crossed over into eternity, any memories of bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness simply cannot accompany him into the presence of the Lord. How do...

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