Words of Hope:  Where Truth Dwells 

One statement that has been thrilling my mind is this, “The natural habitat for truth is human conversation.”   

How we speak to others reveals how we live. So powerful!  

It’s a truth my dad understood, he said that our conversations are a window into the soul.  

When a person’s speech is full of authentic joy, their lives hold that joy. When a teacher complains about their students, they reveal their own inner dialogue of bitterness and contempt.  

When a husband speaks of his wife’s dislike of life, he reveals his dislike of her. When a wife speaks of her husband’s lack of follow through, she reveals her own lack of follow through.  

Truth is revealed in our conversations, but we often do not recognize it. We can learn that if our words contain criticism, negativity, bitterness, then we can learn that our lives are miserable, and we dislike ourselves and others.  

If our words are full of criticism, judgement, and dismissive attitudes toward others, they reveal how we over inflate ourselves and again dislike ourselves and others.  

Loving people speak loving words.  

Critical people speak critical words.  

Violent people speak violent words.  

Graceful people speak graceful words. 

Truth is always present if we are listening.  

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. – Proverbs 12:18