Words of Hope: The Choice of a Beautiful Life

Dad LOVED slogans—he had hundreds. One of his favorites was, “You win or lose by the way you choose.” This phrase has been on my mind each morning—a simple decision. Do I see my work today as a gift or as a frustration? Will I choose to be thankful or irritated? A beautiful kindergarten teacher I know used to struggle with feeling overwhelmed by challenging students in her class. She had a few very difficult and troubled students who came from terrible home situations through the years. She had a few challenging students this year, but her attitude was different. Instead of asking God, “Why do I have these kids in my class,” she started thanking God and saying, “Thank you, God, that you trust me enough to love these kids and be Your healing presence in their lives. I am thankful I was chosen to teach these students; through this, I have deeply loved them.” 

What a beautiful way to live! How can I view life from a lens of gratitude? How can I see difficulties as opportunities? How can I live with more trust that God is working this out for good and that every situation, no matter how difficult, can be used for good, for beauty, and for His glory?

“Today, I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! – Deuteronomy 30:19