Words of Hope: Peace on Earth

Recently, I had a waking vision of my dad. I was walking on the treadmill, praying through the Pray as You Go app. I saw Dad walking toward me, hugging me and welcoming me. I was surrounded by others who have died. Two NBC Camps men who were a huge part of my life came to greet me. There was reconciliation and tremendous joy in their embrace. Then, I saw thousands upon millions of people bathed in brilliant, multicolored lights all worshipping God.  

Lately, I have returned to this image in my mind’s eye. At the mall, I stare at the faces moving past me, people I will join in joyous worship someday. I look at the frosty morning sky almost devoid of color and imagine the bright white of the celestial city that will be our eternal home. 

I still feel the familiar call of worry inviting me to be stressed about work or my children or the state of the world. I stop to ask myself, “What more do I need to feel peaceful right now?” NBC Camps just finished the most successful year in our history, my children are happy and healthy, my mom is alive and near to me, I adore Shann and we have a beautiful life together. Why is fear the default? Why do I continue to drink the draft of fear and worry? I know it is a seduction to feel in control. It is a seduction to be tempted back into believing my external circumstances can bring me inner peace. 

Christ the Savior of the world has come to reconcile me to the God of the universe. I am given the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells me the kingdom of God is at hand. The joy I felt hugging Dad is available now, outside of time and temporal cares. I meditate on this idea: Peace on earth. Therefore, I must do my part. I choose to be a peacemaker; I choose peace when the temptation to worry arises. I choose peace in my relationships. I choose to walk, speak, and live with a peaceful countenance, heart, and mind. I want to be a person for peace, living peace on earth as the angels sang. I want to be known as a follower of the Prince of Peace. 

Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished, you have done for us. – Isaiah 26:12