Words of Hope: Life Changers

My dad loved people, and he built beautiful friendships. One person he loved is a man named Rachi Wortham. We just did a short video story about his life. You can check it out in the link below. We started these video stories about people living lives we admire. People others may not know about. 

What I love about the Rachi story is that he is redefining success. I think the world is fixated on the big. The world loves power, money, fame, name dropping. I notice I fixate on this sometimes as well. 

But what I see about Jesus is that He was the most revolutionary leader on the planet– without a book or a degree, dying in shame on a Roman cross. Yet He is the light of the world, the ultimate transformative leader.

This touches me and resonates when I read one of my favorite writers, Henri Nouwen, who says God moves in the hidden and the secret. 

I think of all the pro players, many doing good in the world. But I love Rachi Wortham heading back to his hometown to change it from the inside out with his love for God. He didn’t become a Duke superstar. In the video you will see Rachi prayed daily to play at Duke. But God had different plans for him, and though many may not know Coach Wortham, he is doing mighty things. God is up to something. He is moving something right now! 

Here is the Rachi Wortham story: 



“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17