Words of Hope: Dad the Adventurer

Traveling through Switzerland recently reminded me how much fun my Dad had sightseeing around the world. He loved new places and adventures. Swiss physician Paul Tournier writes, “All human enterprises start amid the exciting fever of discovery… gradually the adventure becomes more organized, and slowly the joy of the adventure has gone out… adventure ceases as soon as normalcy begins.”

This quote is a perfect depiction of my Dad. He was an intrepid adventurer, launching headlong into projects most people only dream about—Starting camps, launching travel teams, writing a book while dying of cancer, filming a six-part video series with stage four lung damage. Dad dared to be fully alive to the possible. Tournier writes, “With adventure, it is the first step that is most difficult. Without inner liberty, adventure is not possible.”

Dad lived with tremendous inner liberty. The freedom to know he is a miracle and call everyone he encountered a miracle—Interior freedom of a life unshackled by shame, comparison, or bitterness. The first step toward a grand life adventure cannot begin locked in a room of fear or complacency. 

Thanks, Dad, for living such a courageous life and always being excited to find the adventure God has for the day and the lifetime. 

“For I know the plans in store for you,” says the Lord. Plans for good and not for evil plans to give you a hope and future.” – Jeremiah 29:11