1.  Where are you?
2.  Who are you?
3.  Who made you?

One of my highlights in Ketchikan, Alaska at an NBC basketball camp was a father telling me this about his teen daughter:

“As I walked down the hall past the bathroom, my daughter was saying over and over, “I am a miracle.”

When we learn to live in the precious present, we become alive! Right here, right now is a very difficult skill to master. We tend to live in the past or the future. Living in the past or future is an attempt to escape from reality.

When we truly discover we are His miracle, amazing things transpire. Over the years at NBC, my privilege has been to see many discover the truth about themselves.

Once we know we are miracles, we begin acting like miracles. Pretend today you are a miracle created by a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for you. Your day will go from gray to full color.

As I write these words of hope, I can honestly say Psalm 23 is my reality. My cup runs over because I am dwelling in the house of the Lord forever.