Life is meant for good friends and great adventures! Life is an adventure to be lived! Even Aristotle said, “Adventure is worthwhile.” 

However, why should it take a catastrophe to wake us up to find it? Often it is a mini-stroke, car accident, cancer, or a heart attack scare that causes us to realize what a great gift life is.

  1. What will it take for us to ease off life’s treadmill’s speed and live one day at a time?
  2. What will it take for us to release our pain and live this life adventure?
  3. What will it take for us to live well despite suffering and loss?
  4. What will it take for us to realize life is an adventure not simply an existence?

These are four difficult questions. There are no instant answers. Each performance expert has his version of the path to living your adventure.

Unfortunately, each person must discover his own exciting adventure. This discovery may be a process, but it is awaiting you to find it! We’ll explore seven applications tomorrow.