Both oxygen and encouragement cure disease and negativity. Lack of oxygen and encouragement create poor physical, mental, and spiritual health.

One of the most amazing women living today, in Dillingham, Alaska, was transported to Anchorage. It was a scary moment for Charlene and her family. Strapped to a board for safety they always say Charlene, breath. 

Charlene inhaled 10 seconds of oxygen through the nose, let it warm for a few seconds, then released the oxygen with pursed lips slowly and evenly. Adding prayer to this exercise, Charlene began to have peace.

Meet Tom Zellar, former CEO of Spokane’s Deaconess Hospital. He poured oxygen encouragement into Fred Crowell’s life. This unexpected gift from God was food for my soul and medicine for my body.

It is absolutely amazing how kindness can change people’s lives.

It is incredible how encouragement elevates the human spirit.

It is unbelievable how words can make such a difference in our world. There are words that crush dreams and words that shatter lives. Thankfully there are words that elevate you to the highest of achievements.

Today is oxygen encouragement day. We have the privilege to speak love, hope, joy, peace, and goodness to every person today.

Thank you, Tom Zeller, for taking time to care enough to give me the oxygen encouragement I needed. My purpose is to bring oxygen and encouragement to those across my path today.

Be joyful always.

Pray without ceasing.

Give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus.

Earlier today a fellow businessman and I had a long conversation. One of his statements continues to stand out. My friend said this, “I am not sure I could tell you my mission and purpose for life.”

My dear readers of Daily Words of Hope with Fred Crowell, I say this as kindly as I know how to form these powerful words: If you don’t know you mission and purpose for each and every move you make today, you are like a ship without a rudder; a car without a steering wheel; a home with a heater.

M/P are not limited to life’s most important question. Why am I alive today?


If a parent, know your parenting M/P.

If a grandparent, know your M/P.

If a teacher, know your M/P.

If you love God, know your M/P.

If you know your M/P and don’t do it, then you don’t know your M/P’s.

No wonder my young friend at the coffee stand said, “School is a joke.”

It is impossible to teach what you do not know, or think you know, and don’t live.

Next week Fred Crowell and Bobby Moore are in an Alaska village. Our M/P is to train students & parents to define their M/P’s in crystal clear written words, give a major community presentation on the black box with practical recognition and solution tools to recognize and solve depression and potential suicide.

When cancer took me to rock bottom November 5, 2010 my M/P in life became my foundation to beat dirty, naughty cancer. Cancer may take my body but it will never take my heart. 

My life MP is to love God with all I am, to love all people and to really live life one moment at a time.  Easy? Heck no! Worth it?  ____ Yes!


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18