The relatively new science of phenomenology, empirical-based research, is understanding the meaning of people’s lived experiences. It has made it possible to quantify reliable data to predict success or failure, and it is quite similar to the existential experience method.

Thousands of years ago, the Biblical writers disclosed their spiritual insights regarding health and human behavior but were not considered as scientific declarations. However, today human behavior and emotional viewpoints are considered as such, even by leading universities and research centers. There is an abundance of scientific studies that prove happiness, gratitude, thankfulness enhance human performance; whereas anger, bitterness, vengeance do just the opposite for life, whether marriage, family, business, or sports relationships.

In addition, psychology has always helped us understand the mind related to behavior and diagnose mental and emotional illness. Yet most fascinating to me in all my studies, and vital to my belief system, was discovering an absolute authority describing the human condition. All other sciences are subjective to Biblical truth, even the writings of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Paul Tournier. 

No matter man’s birthed human condition, Jesus gives His reason for coming to this earth: “I am come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus’ desire is that we have His grace and spiritual blessings now, as well as fullness of joy and happiness eternally.