It may be impossible to escape life without some Hard Teachers and Dirty Graders.

Life is hard until you realize it; then it is no longer hard. – Scott Peck, Road Less Traveled.

When the value of life experiences takes me back to my memory banks, there was a master’s degree class titled, The Psychology of Learning.

The professor delighted in telling us how extraordinary he was and how fortunate we were to sit at his feet and learn from his knowledge and wisdom.

We knew his first test was going to be brutal. He warned us to memorize all the lecture notes and assigned chapters. 

After hours and hours of hard work memorizing the study material, our group of guys was ready to ace the test. 

Wrong! He tricked us. He took multiple-choice questions from a standardized test book. 

These questions were totally unrelated to the subject matter. He purposely did not ask one question from his lectures or the course textbook. He laughed at us as he returned the tests with poor scores. 

The professor was a nightmare; his class disgusting. Cancer is a nightmare. The routine of doctor visits and high priced drugs, disgusting. 

Life’s hard teachers come in many forms:

  • Serious Health Issues
  • Deaths of very special people 
  • Serious accidents
  • Loss of a good job
  • Failure of a marriage
  • Children going astray 

Dirty Graders make it even more difficult. Often unbearable. Dirty because there is no warning. No opportunity to prepare. Often no human solution. No way out. 

The one way, the best way, the wisest way is to trust the Gentle Teacher the Easy Grader.  

Miraculously, the professor I speak of does not give dirty, trick tests and laugh at his students.

For 50 years, the life-giving professor has given me the tools to deal with the hardest and dirtiest graders, life presents. 

Of course, I speak of Jesus, the one true God and only mediator between God and us. 

Name one professor who has the credentials to grade his students not on what they do, but what He does. This is why we call it grace.  

There is but one. His name is Jesus. He is the image of the invisible God. 

Do I love this teacher?

Absolutely. He changed my life. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me the strength.

Do I delight in this teacher?

“There is no greater joy in asking Him to show His light living in me. He is the light of the world and in Him, there is no darkness. The light shines in the darkness; the darkness cannot extinguish the Light.” -St John