This remarkable, majestic, mysterious world in which we live is governed by physical, psychological and spiritual laws which are both seen and unseen.  The law of give and take falls under the law of cause and effect.  In other words, for every action, there is a corresponding reaction.

Give and take is like hitting a tennis ball against a cement wall.  The ball rebounds at the same velocity as it hits the wall.  Correspondingly, giving or taking will both rebound in the same way it was given or taken.  What you give is rewarded with joy, a generous heart, happiness, and fulfillment in life.  In contrast, what you take will eventually be taken from you because taking seems to multiply; it is never satisfied.

Givers hold onto their possessions loosely; takers hold onto their possessions tenaciously.  Givers use their belongs with freedom; takers are owned by their belongings.  Givers use stuff to help people; takers use people to get stuff.

The choice is ours and ours alone.  We can choose to be a giver or a taker.