Happy Thanksgiving and Giving Tuesday

Give ThanksOne of the best ways to praise the Lord is through the prayer of Thanksgiving. Thank you for loving Fred Crowell. Share his legacy by being a person committed to gratitude and joy. WORDS OF HOPE BOOK FOR CHRISTMASDo...

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Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude was one of the most important disciplines for my dad. Gratitude for God, for life, and for people were his intentional and pursued disciplines. I call gratitude a discipline because it is a habitual mindset. I can...

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Words of Hope: The Magnificent One

There is a Webb Space photograph that has captured my imagination. It appears to be a huge hand lifted like an artist moving the stars into place. The mentor for C.S. Lewis explained that the glimpse of the sheer magnitude...

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Words of Hope: The Big Six

Dad loved acronyms and teaching slogans. One of his favorites was called the Big Six. These were the must-have, go-to moves for basketball players. Dad drilled the Big Six any chance he had from Italy to Spokane, from the...

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Words of Hope: The Importance of Conflict

I am very quick to emotion. I cry, rejoice fully, and get angry quickly. My husband Shann is cool and calm. If you want to have fun on a Disney ride, you want to go with me. If you...

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Words of Hope: Gentle Impact

I read a brilliant insight from the Gottman Marriage Minute. What I love about John Gottman’s research is that it is immediately applicable to any relationship. Need a better relationship with your child? Improve your positive comments, appreciation, and...

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Words of Hope: Love in Public

I heard a beautiful quote that justice is love in public. What does loving look like? How much does my desire for love become thwarted by my own dysfunction and aspire for control? I consider my relationship with my...

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Words of Hope: Remembering Veterans Day

I read a short story about a firsthand account of the suffering in Iraq aloud to Mom and Dad. Afterward, they read the rest of the book. These short stories are a difficult read, with palpable images of suffering,...

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Words of Hope: The Kingdom of God is Now

I was praying about what to write in Words of Hope and I kept feeling asked to write the Kingdom of God is now. If I talked to Dad, he would ask, “Why do you think you are feeling...

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Words of Hope: Modern Day Pilgrim’s Progress

If you read my Dad’s Words of Hope you will see how much he cared for those going through depression or cancer. Dad struggled with depression, and he understood the tenacious hold depression can have on a life and...

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