9-11 and the EAR to HEAR

9-11-18  The Day written upon our hearts that marks the greatest tragedy known to our Nation!  So many have forgotten or have never known because they were young!

Today is a day of NEW HOPE as God speaks “Peace Be Still” and He moved us beyond the Twin Towers and the fire … and inferno….

May He move upon the Still Waters of your soul as He transforms our thinking into His WAY of thinking and dealing with our hurt and anger!  May the Words written upon this page through my dear friend Arlene, rekindle your thinking to see through the eyes and heart of Jesus!

Press on as we step into the future re-painting a picture of HOPE through Christ’s death!  He died so we may Live! 3:16 paves the way as we pick up the Word of God and drop the SWORD of violence, anger and strife we will teach our children the Way and the HOW to overcome, fear, and anger!

May we BULLY NO MORE… as we embrace our loved ones and yes, our enemies, with the Love Jesus demonstrated on the cross, as He took His last breath He said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do, and He died!”  He died so we may live!

Today is the day of decision!  Today is the 1st day of the rest of your life!

Do you have your boarding pass to Heaven and peace on earth GOODWILL to men?

My prayer for you is your YES will be yes and you will walk in peace as God transforms the atmosphere inside your heart!

In His Love,
