Words of Hope: Hearing God’s Voice 

Dad believed and lived that God was speaking to him. He prayed to attentively listen and hear what God was saying. Interestingly, it rarely had to do with action but more to do with stillness and inner adoration. Perhaps it was because my dad was a mover and shaker and not naturally inclined to listening, stillness, or receiving God’s loving gaze that he knew when God was speaking to him.

I don’t know how many times I came to Dad after his devotions, and through tears he would tell me about his wonderful conversation with God. I can’t remember a single time that Dad said, “God told me to do this.”  Rather, he daily stated how God brought him comfort, or joy through the struggle, or wisdom in difficulty, or a feeling of deepest love.

I consider this for myself. God speaking love to me, speaking the need for rest, stillness, inner hope, and interior joy.

Is listening to God a daily life practice for you? If God is love, and the voice you are hearing is not love based, isn’t this an indication you are not actually listening to God but something else? What is the message God is speaking to you?

The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” – Jeremiah 31:3