Words of Hope: Effusive Love  

I drove by a sign that said, “God uses us to love people.” 

I have felt tremendously loved by others. My mom and dad loved me with an all-encompassing, deeply powerful love. It was so healing. They loved me for me. Not for what I did or did not do.   

I have some incredibly deeply loving and healing people in my life that help me feel God’s radiant love. It is life changing. Dad knew how to love in this big-hearted way. An overflowing love, pouring out of him in words and expression.    

I have been experimenting with being bolder with my expressions of love and appreciation. Writing a loving message to a coach, emailing a word of encouragement to a new acquaintance, throwing my hands up in the air with joy, or kissing my friend on the cheek.  

I am startled by the joy that people give back to me. I love LOVE. I love how love multiplies; how much goodness happens. This is how I felt as a child and how I hope people experience time with me. I honor my dad for his effusive love. It does change the world.  

Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. – Psalm 36: 5