“You can’t break a bad habit by throwing it out the window. You’ve got to walk it slowly (and deliberately) down the stairs.”

When people purchase my book, Meet My Head Coach, I encourage them to read chapter 10 first.

The title is No Longer a Slave. Based on the premise everyone is a slave to something.

Over the years I joke about chocolate being my slave master.

chocolatecuffs2Chocolate is a track star; it runs faster than me.

Chocolate is a great football player; it tackles me to the ground.

Chocolate wins oscars; it never takes no for an answer.

Chocolate is confident; it believes it is the solution for both celebrating success and soothing one’s pain.

Each person has a “chocolate” in their lives. As Mrs. Crowell loves to say, we all have bags of troubling faults!

Years ago I learned a new definition of freedom. Freedom is the length of rope between your neck and a stake in the ground.  

Freedom is not cutting the rope. Freedom is moving closer to the stake.

Paul called himself a slave. The sole reason Paul delighted in being a slave was the integrity and value of the stake!  Jesus was worthy to be Master of His life.

Often when I am on away on retreat, my purpose is to pull some stakes, cut some ropes, and remove some collars from my life.

My purpose is to drive at least one new stake, repair others. Ropes will be repaired or new ones made for new stakes, and collars will get the same amount of attention.

Freedom to love life, love people, and love God is my hope.

I encourage you friends and readers of Words of Hope. Going on a retreat with these things in mind means returning home in greater freedom from some of those “troubling faults” Susie talks about.