“Fred Crowell is the happiest man I know.” – F. Crowell

74 years ago today I was born next to mother, Kathleen Mitchell Crowell at Providence Hospital in Seattle.  My courageous and tireless working mother brought 8 of us into this world in a period of 13 years. 

Today six men from China are spending five full days with me planning how to reach millions of youth in China. Imagine thousands of American and Chinese students learning to love life and each other. This is the best way to make a safer world. 

Today, 294 people fill a magnificent ballroom to learn about EQ, emotional intelligence. 

Today with great friends I will watch four NCAA basketball games at the Spokane arena. 

Today board members for Sports Leadership who come from Nashville, Miami, Alaska are here to plan ways to help more youth become game changers

I am reading my son’s birthday card. Jay, like his mother, carefully chooses cards that speak a very special message.

The card says, “It’s the simple things in life that make it wonderful, celebrate your day!”

My true confession is: Fred Crowell is the happiest man I know. What is the secret of my happiness? Thanks for asking, I’m glad to tell you.

Live the precious moment, be right here right now!

Know and understand that every person on this earth is a miracle.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path.

Above all virtues put on love which is the true difference maker.

Thank you, my dear friends; who read Words of Hope with Fred Crowell. You’re a blessing to me and you are part of the reason I’m the happiest!