These exceptional photos of a sunrise on Scout Lake, OR, and a moon-glowing night there as well, are perfect reminders we can count on day turning to night and later night turning to day. No matter our present situation, this is great confirmation there will be a new tomorrow (if we can breathe). 

The sun WILL rise, and often there will be a spectacular view of the moon reflecting the light of the sun. When the moon reflects the light of the sun (although only about 3-12%), it also reminds me of the Jesus’ glory we are privileged to reflect.

With great joy and gratitude, I delight in knowing the sun will rise each morning. It reassures me God is alive and gives me an exciting opportunity to greet each new day with a love and a desire to please Him.

And, oh what a difference it is to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords instead of my own selfish ambitions!