What do you hold most dear? What do you want to be most known for? Whatever the answer, God’s intent for contacting us is for us to know and be known by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many years ago when a new king was needed in Israel, Israel’s judge Samuel was sent to Jesse’s house in Bethlehem. There he met Jesse with 8 sons; the oldest 7 sons were rejected as the future king. Instead, the youngest son, who tended sheep, was chosen. The explanation: “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Our heart has an inclination to be drawn to something. This is our destiny. The heart holds our future. It holds our desires. It becomes our reality. Making decisions and planning all come from the heart. Solomon said that in their hearts, humans plan their course but the Lord determines their steps.

If we want to change, then we must change what we want, desire, and worship the most. Our heart indicates what we hold as most important. Therefore, if we want to change, we must change our hearts. If we desire, God has promised to “….put His law in their minds and write it on their hearts…” (Jeremiah 31:33). Then we can boast that we truly understand and know that God is the Lord.

Please honestly ask yourself this week: What do I want the most? For both of our sakes, my hope is our “Want the Most” is to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength in every situation. Then we love ourselves and especially others also.

This WOH was inspired by a sermon by my pastor Bobby Moore