Take a Planned Timeout!

Coaching basketball taught me many life-related concepts. These principles just appeared on the court! One example is a timeout. To take a break, intermission, breather becomes a time to refocus. Even in basketball, planed timeouts were superior to forced timeouts. What is the difference?

Forced timeouts demand; they don’t ask. Planned timeouts are choices; they don’t demand with imposition. Forced timeouts focus on repair, restoration, and correction. Planned timeouts focus on getting ahead of the curve and whatever roadblocks may come.


  1. Keep the time-out period to a set amount of minutes, not hours.
  2. Have pen and paper ready to take notes; writing makes us exact.
  3. Focus on the Big Four life questions; answer with crystal clear responses.
  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Why am I where I am?
  • What am I to do?     

For best results, answer these questions focusing on today; not tomorrow, next week, or future years. Amidst life’s busy activities, these answers help create a life that matters to the soul. Once today is mastered, then move to future short time periods. Make today a masterpiece! 

Jesus gave us excellent, wise words for a Planned Timeout: Matthew 6:25-33.