Let’s play one of my favorite games. It is called “WHAT IF.”
What if you were a lighthouse perched high to warn ships from crashing upon rocks? What kind of light would shine forth from your lighthouse? Imagine what if the light bulbs were never cleaned = dim light. Imagine what if the giant light bulbs were burned out = no light. Imagine what if the electricity was damaged = no light.
- Like lighthouses, our human life house is for the protection of the people we love and to make the world a better place.
- Like lighthouses, our human life house has an energy source, our soul: emotions, conscious and subconscious minds, and spirit.
- Like lighthouses, our human life house has its own light indicator, the eyes called the lights of our emotions and spiritual heart.
- Like lighthouses, our human life house can give off emotional light or darkness by its tongue.
Today we have a choice. Let’s be a shining-bright, safe, life-giving light by our individual life, soul, eyes, tongue. Isaiah 60:1, Amplified says it well:
“Arise [from depression in which circumstances have kept you to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord], for your light has come; and the glory and brilliance of the Lord is risen upon you.”