Today, this 13th day of a Spokane “Indian Summer,” is no expectation Sunday!

My firm resolve is to reduce all expectations from others for one entire day. In addition, I will reduce all expectations from me. Liberty, peace, rest and joy will be the reward! No expectations are not an easy task for drivers and grinders.

In the 20 Matthew chapter, expectations of workers create… this was where I paused and did other things. Now it is a day later. Monday at the NBC office. This means I did not get back to finishing No Expectation Sunday.

Quite ironic this is the one day I did not finish my daily goal of doing Words from Fred, Inspirations from Suave or whatever I end up calling these daily words. Hope those who have come to enjoy reading them were having a “no expectations Sunday” as well.

So what did I learn from Matthew 20 about NO Expectations? Actually quite a lot!

Jesus relates the story of the owner who hired workers. Some worked all day; others the last hour of the day. He decided to pay them all the same wage. Those who worked all day felt cheated. They were not happy.

The story reminds me of a class I took on leadership. The subject matter was, division of labor. Dealing with team members who were not doing their fair share of the work load. I remember vividly the prof saying; “If you put two men in a ditch with the orders to dig a one mile trench and one of the workers does the majority of the work, frustration and bitterness is likely to take place before the task is completed.

The lesson in Matthew 20 goes back to the 80-20 rule. No matter where you live, work or play 80% of the team will most likely do 20% of the work or play.

The solution Jesus prescribes here is take care of your 20% and don’t focus on what the other 80% are doing. This attitude produces gratitude and thankfulness for the opportunity to use your talents. It comes down to a matter of EXPECTATIONS.

The second lesson Matthew gives clarity on is a matter of Expectations of Privilege. The mother of Zebedee’s sons kneels before Jesus. He asks, “What do you want?” “Can one of my boys sit at your right side and the other your left side”, asks mom!

TALK ABOUT EXPECTATIONS! This is a fabulous lesson for all of us parents. What are our expectations for our children?

Yesterday was no expectation Sunday. I plan to be careful about expectations of both others and myself. Today, Monday, is high expectation day for me. I am excited to feel healthy and productive. My highest dream is to live the light, life and love of Jesus Christ today.