Where do you find your strength to battle the daily challenges in life? Are you caught in a dust storm of responsibilities, problems, things calling for your attention? Why do we think we are overwhelmed? Unlike our prior generations, we usually live longer and have more conveniences.
The Creator of the universe has given us incredible gifts since birth to face life. Imagine these 14 gifts given to everyone:
- The gift of energy
- The gift of family
- The gift of feeling
- The gift of forgiveness
- The gift of happiness
- The gift of hearing
- The gift of hope
- The gift of love
- The gift of self-healing
- The gift of serving
- The gift of sight
- The gift of speech
- The gift of thought
- The gift of uniqueness
All of these gifts we can use because of the gift of a Savior. These gifts become part of our inner strength which we can use uniquely in love and service daily. Our challenge today is to use them! Let’s explore more the next week how special this inner strength is.