Angel of God
my guardian dear
to whom God’s love
commits me here
To light to guard
To rule, to guide
Every person, every home, and every community needs guardian angels and saints doing his bidding.
The Psalmist called us:
You mighty Saints doing His bidding.
What is man that He created us a little lower than the angels and has given him dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and the animals of the land.
It brings pleasure for me to think about the human angels and saints I have been privileged to know, who have prayed for me, who change my life with their love and sacrifice.
Some of these chosen by God who He calls Holy and dearly loved. – (Colossians)
Scammon Bay had the late Mary Sundown; her torch passed on to daughter-in-law, Joan Sundown and new Missy Abraham, principal of the High school is growing strong wings.
Hooper Bay has Albert Green’s mother, Mrs. Green and Albert’s wife Renee. Women who love God and people.
Dillingham has Charlene Lopez. Spend a half hour in D’ham and you soon learn Charlene is here, there and everywhere. Charlene is a fierce cancer fighter and community leader of unparalleled hard work and vision.
Husband Dion, boys’ basketball coach, is smart enough to know he is married to a guardian angel.
I think of Chefornak. A tiny village in Alaska where Robert and Eva Panruk, live and serve children with tons of love and motivated hard work. Then there is my hero at Toksook Bay who placed his strong hand on my shoulder as nearly 100 children played basketball. Xavier Tulik asked Abba Father to heal Fred Crowell.
Theologians debate the Biblical correctness of angels and saints. As a basketball coach, I am more interested in acting on what I know and understand.
I know what God’s love is. I experience His love moment by moment.
I know when my life is in light and in darkness at an EQ (emotional intelligence) level. It boggles my mind. He calls me chosen, holy and dearly loved. This is grace.
Same goes for, to guard, to rule, to guide.
The Book of Life gives crystal clear life instructions on how these four promises work out for all who are obedient to come to Him.
I chose to call the amazing people who are in my life angels and saints. This elevates the way I experience life more fully.
Because of the finished work on the cross, we are who He says we are; not who they or even ourselves say we are.