Research suggests gratitude helps beat cancer.

Dr. John Gottman has proven through extensive testing that when the heart jumps over 100 beats per minute when angry, the ability to solve problems diminishes.

Clinical tests are proving gratitude promotes health. Writing five gratitudes daily at bedtime helps beat cancer.

Personally, early morning is my gratitude gym time.

This morning my five gratitudes are:

  1. Quiet, still white noise.
  2. Blessed Holy Trinity. Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Time – have all I need today. Not too busy.
  4. Reputation – I am who God says I am. He loves me. He calls us chosen, holy and dearly loved.
  5. Love – so grateful for the privilege of loving God, all the people I meet today and to be able to live life fully today.

My hope is you will take time each day to write five gratitudes. Sort of like making sure the car’s tank is full of fuel.

Gratitude is high energy for your life tank.

“Oh God my God earnestly I see you. My soul thirst for you and a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and I have beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, I will praise you all the days of my life. My soul will be satisfied with the riches of food and my lips will praise your name.”  – Psalm 63