QUESTIONS: After a gathering of friends, do you ever wonder if they had a good time? Do you sometimes wonder if a person dislikes you or has negative views of you? Do you make a critical analysis of your service performance, after speaking, hosting an event, or completing a task, hoping to receive successful recognition?

This Word of Hope is valuable to anyone who answered affirmatively to any of these three questions. It becomes an effective relational diagnostic tool, so simple and logical that few people really use it. However, these questions are foreign to one who is narcissistic, emotionally disconnected, consumed with poor health, or disinterested in other people’s experiences

Being related means being connected in some way, perhaps by feeling, behavior, or blood ties. The most common relationships are family, friendship, acquaintance, and romantic relationships.

Therefore, when you ask yourself a people-relational question, the answer lies within your own mind and heart. For example, if you ask if a person likes you, you can rate your answer from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest). Then, vice versa, you can rate if you like that person. Most likely, you will discover the ratings are quite similar. 

Another example may be rating the enjoyment of an entertaining event with others. Did the guests have a good time? Did you, along with your spouse, have a good time? Again, generally, the answers will be similar.

To develop and improve personal relationships, here are two steps:

  • If you want others to have a positive experience, create a great experience, and enjoy it yourself.
  • If you want others to become amazing persons, see them as mirrors. Picture your best self in them, and, over time, they will become those amazing persons. People can become what you see and believe in them.

You will make the discovery that relationships are reciprocal, respective, dependent and independent, and fulfilling!