Please allow me to invite you into a typical counseling session. You will need to use your imagination.

Here is the scenario.  A client walks into my office. I ask the client for permission to have you listen and learn; the permission is granted.

At some point in the session, the client’s demeanor changes. By either body pose or words, the client appears to be indicating: “I don’t want to go where we are going.”  This is where the closet door comes into the discussion. Each one of us has a closet door.  Inside this door is the truth about ourselves.  It takes courage to open the door.

I say to the client, “Imagine there is a closet door across the room. Inside the closet is what you need to inspect. Are you willing to open the closet door?”  Some clients agree; others disagree; still, others take a while to feel secure to open the door; many others never open the liberating door. Nevertheless, once the door is opened, whatever is in the closet loses its power. At first, the truth can be painful, but joy will come because the truth can set us free.

What’s in the closet is a wise and healthy question. It takes courage to open the imaginary closet door and continue to keep it open. Yet, observing, contemplating, scrutinizing are healthy and beneficial for deliverance.

The fact is we are all beggars in life, seeking to eat the same bread. We all have our own baggage of troublesome faults. We all have a closet door that needs to be opened. What is in your closet?   Are you willing to open the door?