Words of Hope: Verbal Guardrails

Camp is in full swing with many moving parts and of course unforeseen challenges. Most of these come out of nowhere surprising me without warning.  

As we roll into the busyness and pressure of the summer, our team habits of love and connection can get sacrificed to the urgency of the moment. This morning I was in full tilt, running hard ahead with challenges on my mind and in my spirit. Then two of my brothers in Christ and my youngest child texted me loving words of encouragement just a few minutes apart. Their words were an instant garden of peace and joy. I paused in my mental spirit and settled down. How beautiful the words of friends who love us and listen to the Spirit of God. How glorious!  

I think of this great gift these words were to me in my moment of need. I was nearing an edge that leads to the slippery slope of frustration and fear. Like a guardrail, their words hemmed me in and brought me back to the garden of real living and the reminder that my joy is found in the Lord.  

Words. How simple, how small a gesture and yet how large the repercussions and impact. Thanks for the brothers and sisters in Christ bringing love to others through their Words of Hope.  

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. – Romans 1:11-12