Words of Hope: Judgmental Hiding

Sometimes I imagine Dad riding next to me in the car. We might pray together, or I will ask him a question. I loved to get his opinion on dysfunction. He understood it so well, having done so much...

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Words of Hope: Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

My husband Shann was speaking recently to a group of people describing his life before Christ came to him with healing power. He had been a lonely child, so afraid of the physical darkness, he was afraid to...

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Words of Hope: Philosophical Seeds

Dad always believed that philosophies would play out to reveal the best way to live. An acquaintance from church in my younger life turned his back on God. He believed that chastity was abusive and restrictive. He believed whatever...

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Words of Hope: One God

Sometimes we think we are God. We act like we alone know what He wants and others need to listen to us.   What we find in the cruelest of crimes is not a feeling of unworthiness but a feeling of...

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Words of Hope: Strengthened

Sometimes I wrestle with what to pray for others. I have learned that praying for something specific may not be what God wants. Instead, I study scripture. How does Paul pray? One beautiful prayer is in Ephesians. Our...

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Words of Hope: Facing the Unimaginable

My daughter is in her Freshman year at Pepperdine. This past week a group of senior girls were walking in a busy part of the pacific coast highway just four miles from Pepperdine when a young man lost control...

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Words of Hope: Tranquility

My dad loved spontaneity, but he also loved ceremony. He believed events required the joy of planning, the importance of tangible ways to talk about the event, and the remembrance of an event. He also liked to have...

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Words of Hope: Secrets

I have made my house a memory palace which is a device to help me remember things.   Near my sink is one of my favorite verses, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have...

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Words of Hope: Preparing or Living

I love this quote, “There are people who go on infinitely preparing for life and not living it.” I can be like this. Most of my work life and daily living revolves around preparing for an event. Because of...

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Words of Hope: Having Faith Beyond Our Why

In our office there is a photo of my friend’s son who died recently in an accident. He is smiling and as I walk by, it looks like he is smiling at me. Every time I see the photo...

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