Words of Hope: Banquet Table

My dad deeply loved Psalm 23. He meditated on it often. As I read C.S. Lewis's Reflections on the Psalms, he brings attention to something I haven't considered. He (God) prepares a table for me in the presence of my...

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Words of Hope: On Writing Words of Hope

A very sweet friend took me to lunch. She has been so kind in sending encouragement after a Words of Hope message she resonated with. As we met for lunch, she asked me about the writing process. For me, writing Words of...

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Words of Hope: An Elegant Question

During date night, Shann asked me an elegant question. In the metaphor of sowing and reaping, he asked what two seeds I am thankful I am planting in my life. The seeds that I need to plant every day...

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Words of Hope: Worth the Pain

I have been missing Dad so much lately. I walked by a neighborhood bench where he liked to sit and pray and shocked myself by bursting into tears. They came without warning. A friend of mine who was one...

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Words of Hope: A + B = C

In math, A + B normally should equal C. In life, the same should happen. A loving home will produce loving kids. However, this is not always the case. Dad and I often talked about the psychological and spiritual...

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Words of Hope: Truth or Hypocrisy Awakened

I recently watched a movie about a man who demands a perfect world to the point he abuses others to achieve it. Perfection is so seductive. It is another form of will, to power and control instead of surrender...

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Words of Hope: Set the Table

Dad loved the phrase, “Set the Table.” For him, it was a call to action for those in leadership to provide a space for true community and transformation to occur. He got this idea from watching my grandmother. My...

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Words of Hope: What Goes Around Comes Around

In C.S. Lewis’s Reflections on the Psalms he addresses a topic I have struggled with. What do we do with the Psalms that pray down wrath on enemies? Here are poems, songs to God about the absolute trampling and destruction of...

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Words of Hope: Right Intuition and False Suggestion

I am reading Swiss Reformed medical doctor Paul Tournier. He writes that neurosis is the division of right intuition and false suggestion.   I see this easily in myself. I sense that something is wrong but then follow false suggestions that...

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Words of Hope: God Exists

We have a quote on our fridge by one of the best poets in the world, Li Young Li, who says, "I don't have faith that God exists, since I experience God enough to know that God exists, haunting...

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