Words of Hope: God

I follow a physics Facebook page as Shann and I are both interested in quantum physics. One recent post pictured the father of quantum physics, Werner Heisenberg with his quote, “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” These kinds of quotes offend the atheists who comment angrily in droves. One of their most popular comments is to question why God would create a world that allows such terrible things to happen. They conclude because there is evil God could not exist. In their estimation a benevolent God should not allow evil to happen on this earth.  

I personally do not know many people who believe this view, but I would like to have a dialogue with them. I would like to understand why they reject the idea that evil is a product of non-love and love must have choice for it to be love. What constitutes the opposite of love other than evil? If love is to be relational and therefore mutual and freely given, God must allow some semblance of choice. Love without choice is not love but blind, servile obedience. 

Some of my friends follow an extreme form of Reformed Theology which borders in my mind on lovelessness. I believe their point of view is not much different than the atheist. One believes there is no God, the other believes there is no choice. In the extreme Calvinist view, God has created some people for relationship with Him and others for damnation. I find it ironic that those who believe this view always find themselves in the created for relationship with God category and look upon others with suspicion to ascertain if they are in the “damnation” category. Atheists have foreclosed on the idea of God. Extreme Calvinists on the idea of Love. 

In my perspective, for both the atheist and the extreme Calvinist, love has been eliminated from the conversation. If God is love, “Love” is beyond our comprehension. Love that allows for the choice of evil, love that allows for relationship, mystery, sacrifice, and redemption. I believe quantum physics gives us the most powerful image of this reconciling love. God as redeemer, reconciler, healer, and resurrector.  

What I find fascinating about quantum physics is that we cannot understand it, the mystery of it is beyond our understanding. According to researchers, quantum physics is so incredibly challenging because it is extremely difficult and most likely impossible for us to visualize what is happening. For example, an observed electron will act like a particle, and then like a wave when not observed. One of the key tenets of quantum physics is the Uncertainty Principle, “You can never accurately know the position and the momentum of an electron.” 

I believe God as love is beyond our scrutiny, determination, and pigeonholing – God beyond our imagination. God beyond our understanding, worthy of our highest worship, praise, and adoration. Dad understood this. He knew he should never call himself an atheist when he wrestled with the existence of God, and he could never stomach the lovelessness of the religious extremists. For him, he contented himself to understand that God is far more wonderous than our imagination and our ability to visualize. He made his simple task to love God with all his heart, mind, and soul, and love his neighbor as himself. 

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us. – 1 John 4:12